Prostate called prostatitis that affect the inflammatory process of tissue edema and provoke him. Inflammation of prostate due to the male body just may suffer from this institution, only the stronger sex. Prostatitis treatment – need for a living, and after a 30-year-old male in a dorm may occur at any time, especially if he's bad, bad habits of life and characterized by immobility, often stress, excessive sexual activity or very rarely. Risk inflammation of the prostate is high in situations where a person's eyes, urinary infections, regular problems with constipation, and immune.
In a variety of ways on how to deal with prostatitis

Initial treatment of prostate in the time of need with the emergence of unpleasant sensations and painful symptoms they will first turn really. Man without a long inspection with the successful treatment of prostatitis the doctor for any health effects and a lower probability of the patient's life.
And in some cases, the disease are asymptomatic, it is important to remember that regularly about the need for an expert not to be missed stage in treatment, which is prostatitis men it's not too late.
Inflammation usually flows forms:
- acute, sudden emergence of symptoms is it is quite sharp (mi eyes, and complex urination, pain in the pelvic region in different departments, whitish "topics" urine);
- as with chronic progresses slowly, the symptoms (that are the same, and acute manifestation), stay visible, or missing altogether.
Specialists that use these techniques for treatment of chronic prostatitis, the acute form of prostatitis different treatment methods. If in the latter case, it is sufficient to keep withdrawal symptoms and quick treatment, prostatitis the prostate gland in men more profound and varied effects on the chronic form. Struggling with what the definition of the illness is specific and neutral to the most effective way for the treatment of prostatitis according to the results of the survey on the health care provider.
The right treatment, of acute prostatitis the moon
To identify how to deal with the acute form of prostatitis, maximum performance, the factor which drive the doctors inflammation of the prostate occur in the first place. As a result of the survey is assigned a particular drug .. etc., help fight the diseases that caused:
- antibacterial;
- antimicrobial;
- anti-Trichomonas;
- antiviral;
- antifungal drugs.

"Dotted" suppress reproductive activity and the most effective solution because the chosen enemy is capable of in the tissues prostatitis the prostate and urethra of microorganisms and fight with advanced and complex treatment symptoms most disgusting mer. For these purposes – slimming smooth muscle spasm, cancer, and bladder relieved pain urination – prostatitis treatment you can use the following tools:
- analgesics;
- are antispazmodik;
- thermal microclusters allocated;
- rectal candles (plus the analgesic, anti-inflammatory);
- ankara.
- NSVP (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
- immunomodulators;
- vitamin complexes.
The acute phase treatment of prostatitis drugs etc .. then provide additional support able to resolve the pain and strengthen the healing effect treatments:
- electrophoresis anal;
- UHF and microwave treatment;
- ankara.
Also, much longer, the treatment, inflammation of the prostate, it is recommended to observe the patient:
- dietary restrictions;
- fasting harmful habits;
- bed rest;
- sexual intercourse, peace.
All listed medications and treatment methods, prostatitis in men complex thanks to much more rapid recovery provides:
- anti-inflammatory effect;
- antitumor effect;
- analgesic effect;
- to improve blood circulation in the affected tissues;
- strengthen immunity.

Important: in some cases, prostatitis is happening that requires an additional intervention, complications and treatment. So, serious delay may occur urination acute inflammation, which is the most effective Tswana cystostomy (bladder puncture (sarcasm) in the suprapubic region). Sometimes, for example, with the development of the abscess, prostatitis treatment, medication, etc, and if necessary physical therapy, additional surgery, autopsy, and drainage of purulent inflammation tissue prostate.
About, treatment, prostate, male, how effective, remedial action, and serious consequences if it fails to prevent the acute inflammation, the judge fabric structure recovery, prostate, normalization, operation, optimal water composition of rotation, prostate inflammation triggered destruction and removal of pathogens from the body, what detection, analysis, and biological fluid.
Drugs treatment of chronic prostatitis
Medicine, etc the treatment of chronic prostatitis is an important part of a comprehensive treatment with this disease. Applied effective methods of therapeutic effects during an effect on all chain links:
- to stop the spread of infection;
- back normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
- optimal hormonal balance back;
- to strengthen the immune system.
In the chronic form of the disease to the doctor the following drugs:
- antibiotics (after detection of microorganism responsible for carrying a specific arousal disorder);
- NSVP (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
- anticholinergic (antidepressant drugs);
- immunomodulators;
- this angioprotektori;
- vasodilator drugs.

One more question, treatment, prostatitis, men, drugs, etc., the experts answer: complex drugs, which is the basis of an antibiotic. The most common choice-friendly florokinon group – medicine, etc with a broad spectrum of the maximum ability to penetrate and accumulate in the tissues of the prostate gland that affects almost all groups of microorganisms that cause disease in.
The second article, medicine, etc application contains the treatment of prostatitis alpha-blockers treated with congestion – A of the main causes inflammation. Data sources to develop the ability of oxytocin, prostate, the pressure within the normal gland, the spasms incentive pay, Nov, organ, the natural sphincter of the bladder. Data retrieval tools to help nsvp treatment based on the symptoms along with "chronicles" – groin pain and groin, erratic, fast and painful urination, frequent (often unnecessarily) a night impulse. Prostatitis treatment with medications to control pain perhaps an application ensures not only analgesics, but tricyclic antidepressants prevent talented histaminova receptors.
The unconditional task of modern medicine with an effective treatment with immunomodulators prostatitis, correction protective body functions, recovery, as well as strengthen immunity. Inflammation of the prostate This is very important: before you begin how to treat a disease that is progressive on a background strong enough to be a virus or an infectious attack on the functioning of the immune system.
Blood flow in the pelvic region to develop a chronic inflammatory defeat prostate problems, in particular, gives an opportunity for congestion of capillaries and stagnant blood, pathogenic microorganisms "suck" cloth diapers. Therefore, treatment of prostatitis in men and involves intake angioprotektori vasodilator (vasodilator drugs): the first strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps to relieve swelling, contains blood, and promote normal metabolism in general, the second "heals" capillaries "clean" clogging. Complex, these tools will help you to develop clear and pelvic blood flow prostate tissue.
Chronic inflammatory process of the prostate before treatment and the steps you have to take a complete course of physical therapy procedures and exercise therapy, I agree with such treatment methods, limitation, nutrition, normalization of sexual activity and to abandon bad habits. Important note: the chronic prostatitis is actually sort of combat, it's worth remembering that, what is this affliction, even treatment requires regular physician control.
Traditional treatment of prostatitis
In addition to the question about treatment, what to tell and how not to deal with such a phenomenon prostatitis how prostatitis treatment at home. To enjoy great popularity in this area is useful for a large inventory that contains pumpkin seed male body and the most important of these trace element zinc. Daily Item the daily use that your body needs may be the amount of seed full of 30, after a short while and already, a boy, a girl, as a disease are.
If not treated, prostatitis to flare to prevent it then at least once a year to prevent a a simple tool to use, thanks to a successful recipe:

- Buy 500 gr. 200 g peeled raw pumpkin seeds. honey bee.
- Ground beef and mix with honey to the core, and then mold small balls of sugar send refrigerator storage.
- Sugar before meals should be consumed 1-2 medicinal, sucking or chewing, or mastication for a certain period of.
That are described in the "goodies" let's not just inflammation of the prostate to maintain it – often use them to gain immune system and improve mood, nor do you need to count is important, if you see self-treatment at home, prostatitis in men.
Significant beneficial effect of honey wax, affect, defeat a revitalizing effect on the body and aftercare prostate anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. The data tools you need to cook:
- Buy Honey (15 oz.), flour (3 tablespoons) egg (1), then mix thoroughly.
- The resulting mass to create a small candle and one for them to send out a freezer "freeze".
- Applying honey candles prostatitis treatment twice a day for a month, if necessary, continue treatment after 10 days.
Prostate cancer is a disease in the house with the help of your service with features such as soft bath relaxes the body muscles from the middle of the inflammatory process, removable pain syndrome. A method similar to chronic prostatitis in the first fight (and medicated baths is assigned, i.e., long-term treatment of disease) have coniferous Cook infusion:
- Take, young, juicy, healthy pine (fir, pine, or FIR – 50 gr.), grind it to a homogeneous slurry.
- Obtained a ton pour boiling water (950 ml.) and insist in the dark for two hours.
- Infusion is ready, pour it in a basin of water until it warms to 37°C (water should be sufficient, A), continue the procedure every night, 15-20 minutes.
Important: you should treat the House not only to know exactly what is actually more, treatment, prostate, and prostatitis in men how to get rid of forever, but when a similar treatment is permissible. Any event must be consistent with, physician – physiotherapy traditional medicine and tools etc .. instead they only complement them.
Self-treatment prostatitis unacceptable
A medical problem of prostate inflammation is very sensitive, it is difficult for every man, and both in terms of physical discomfort and psychological status. Starting to feel sick, even a manifestation of irritating and painful symptoms, a doctor unconsciously shy for fear of a possible diagnosis. You need to do this because the right treatment, managing the condition early onset of therapeutic effect of prostatitis. And this disease is often accompanied by complications, it is important to remember a comprehensive treatment and non-self-treatment without a doctor's supervision.